Our career EMS division is stationed out of the Substation on Marsh Road and is comprised of three ambulances, two of which are staffed 24/7 by career personnel and one staffed during working hours. The Claymont Fire Company employs 20 full-time and part-time EMT's who answer over 4500 calls a year, answering a variety of basic and advanced calls with New Castle County Paramedics.
Averaging about 12 runs per day, our EMS personnel spend countless hours protecting the community.
EMS respond to every in-district medical call and motor vehicle accident. Often, our EMS crews respond to assist neighboring jurisdictions such as Brandywine Hundred and Talleyville as well.
4,500 RUNS

Our EMS and Fire teams work hand-in-hand with
mutual aid departments and organizations such as New Castle County Paramedics, County Police, and State Police.